A bright graphic with bunting and balloons frames a photo of a white man with glasses and a beard working at a lighting desk in a theatre balcony

Some bitterweet news

Our wonderful Technical and Production Manager is leaving Taking Flight’s full time staff to pursue a wide range of freelance work and continue to build his CV.


He is truly part of the family, and whilst we’re really sad to see him go, we know that this is only au revoir as he is already planning his return to work with us in a freelance capacity later this year. Good luck Garrin, we know that you will do great things…not least becoming one of our fabulous Creative Collaborators!

Garrin, a white man with glasses and a beard signs his sign name
Taking Flight Logo

Taking Flight Theatre
Chapter Arts Centre
Market Rd
Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1QE
029 2023 0020

Youth Theatre meets at:

University of South Wales
86-88 Adam St
Cardiff CF24 2FN

Members of:

A selection of logos: WCVA, Tempo, Creu Cymru, TYA Cymru, Outdoor Arts UK, The Cardiff Committment and Passport to the City



Support Taking Flight  with your generous donation. You can donate securely through our website (below) or send a cheque, payable to Taking Flight Theatre. (If you are a UK taxpayer, please click the Gift Aid option when donating online).

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