Elise Davison
Artistic Director
Elise is responsible for the overall artistic vision of the company. She is studying level 6 British Sign Language and has lots of experience embedding creative access.
Cyfarwyddwraig Artistig
Elise sy’n gyfrifol am weledigaeth artistig gyffredinol y cwmni. Mae hi’n astudio Iaith Arwyddion Prydain (BSL) lefel 6 ac mae hi wedi cael profiad sylweddol o ymwreiddio rhwyddfynediad creadigol.
+44 (0)7939552171
Taking Flight Theatre
Chapter Arts Centre
Market Rd
Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1QE
029 2023 0020
Youth Theatre meets at:
University of South Wales
86-88 Adam St
Cardiff CF24 2FN
University of South Wales
86-88 Adam St
Cardiff CF24 2FN
Support Taking Flight with your generous donation. You can donate securely through our website (below) or send a cheque, payable to Taking Flight Theatre. (If you are a UK taxpayer, please click the Gift Aid option when donating online).