Steph Bailey-Scott
Participation, Access & Inclusion Officer
Steph is a profoundly Deaf actress, theatre maker and workshop leader. She is the lead facilitator our youth theatre for Deaf and Hard of hearing young people something that she is extremely passionate about! She also leads our Deaf Awareness training.
Swyddog Cyfranogi, Rhwyddfynediad a Chynhwysiant
Mae Steph yn actores, gwneuthurwraig theatr ac arweinydd gweithdai sy’n ddwys-Fyddar. Hi yw prif hwylusydd ein Theatr Ieuenctid ar gyfer pobl ifanc Fyddar a Thrwm eu Clyw – rhywbeth y mae hi’n credu’n daer ynddo! Mae hi’n arwain ein hyfforddiant mewn Ymwybyddiaeth o Fyddardod.
Telephone/Ffôn (text only/testun yn unig):
+44 (0)7856700733
Taking Flight Theatre
Chapter Arts Centre
Market Rd
Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1QE
029 2023 0020
Youth Theatre meets at:
University of South Wales
86-88 Adam St
Cardiff CF24 2FN
Support Taking Flight with your generous donation. You can donate securely through our website (below) or send a cheque, payable to Taking Flight Theatre. (If you are a UK taxpayer, please click the Gift Aid option when donating online).