Louise, a greyhaired woman, wearing a striped top signs.

Louise Ralph

Louise Ralph

Executive Director
Louise joined the team in 2016 thanks to Arts Council of Wales Creative Steps funding, & set to work immediately to ensure the quality of administration at Taking Flight matched the high standards set on stage.
Cyfarwyddwraig Weithredol
Ymunodd Louise â’r tîm yn 2016 diolch i gyllid Camau Creadigol oddi wrth Gyngor Celfyddydol Cymru, ac aeth ati’n ddioed i sicrhau bod safon yr weinyddiaeth yn TF yn cyfateb i’r safonau uchel a osodir ar y llwyfan.



+44 (0)7737253989

Taking Flight Logo

Taking Flight Theatre
Chapter Arts Centre
Market Rd
Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1QE
029 2023 0020

Youth Theatre meets at:

University of South Wales
86-88 Adam St
Cardiff CF24 2FN

Members of:

A selection of logos: WCVA, Tempo, Creu Cymru, TYA Cymru, Outdoor Arts UK, The Cardiff Committment and Passport to the City



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