
A young child peers over the words Mae Gen Ti Ddreigiau/You've Got Dragons at a large curled up dragon in the corner. It's much bigger than the child

You’ve Got Dragons 2024

You’ve Got Dragons/Mae Gen Ti Ddreigiau Based on the book written by Kathryn Cave & illustrated by Nick Maland Adapted by Manon Steffan Ros A Taking Flight Theatre Company/Pontio Coproduction “Dragons come when you least expect it. You turn round…and they’re there.” Lots of people get them; thumping heart, wobbly knees, swirly tummy. And sometimes […]

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Marketing mage for the Flying Squad.Four daft detectives at play in a country park

The Flying Squad

The Flying Squad A roaming piece for festivals & events Our hapless detectives have a crime to solve, but all eye-witness accounts lead them to only one conclusion – the culprit is one of their own. Will they solve the crime, will they get back to the station before lunch, and most importantly, was there

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A woman wearing oversized head phones and an elaborate dress made from the white pages of an audiogram, is poises to click a remote trigger that she holds outstretched in front of her

Not Sorry

Diolch i gefnogaeth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi dau benodiad newydd i’r tîm. Mae Steph Back yn ymuno â ni’n amser llawn, gan ehangu’r rôl ran amser a oedd gyda hi’n barod, fel Rheolwraig Mynediad, Cynhwysiant a Chyfranogiad. Ac mae Garrin Clarke yn ymuno â ni’n amser llawn hefyd o fis Medi ymlaen fel Rheolwr Cynhyrchu a Thechnegol. Mae’r ddau’n aelodau gwerthfawr o’r tîm yn barod oherwydd eu gwaith rhan amser neu lawrydd gyda ni, a bydd yn bleser mawr inni gael gweld eu hwynebau braf yn fwy rheolaidd o hyn ymlaen.

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